Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Lemon Obsession & Weekend

Luckily, my husband and I have the same tongue-I like what he likes and he eats what I eat. It could be Thai, Japanese, Middle eastern food, but I won't talk about any of them today. Today, I'd like to advocate how tasty lemons are (thinking about lemons makes my mouth water...) Anyway, currently and officially, we are obsessed with lemons, and since we love them so much, I made "Honey lemon". Literally, this contains just honey and lemon. You just cut lemons thinly and layer them with honey and keep them in a container for 3 days in the fridge . How easy is that? I like having honey lemon with hot water (you can eat a lemon slice as well). Also, you can make honey lemon cup cakes or cookies which are incredibly tasty!

Like everyone else, I love spending my weekend just relaxing. Wake up whenever I feel like it and have some cup of tea, maybe or definitely while browsing beauty blogs or Youtube videos (cuz my body automatically just reaches for my laptop and opens the tabs before I'm fully awake). After having a late breakfast, there are always some discussions with my husband about how to spend the weekend. Most likely, if we don't have any ideas, we just go to the beach-that is our thing. Just strolling by the beach, soaking in the sun, and smelling the sea breeze... it makes us feel so refreshed and rejuvenated! Yay!!

What ways do you like spending your weekend?


  1. I enjoyed your post, even though i don't like lemons so much, however i do like honey, lemon and camomile tea, i love to bake and my family always ask for a lemon cake, but i cannot bring myself to bake it much less eat it. Plus, i love the jar you served the tea in it seems very homely xoxo

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog!! I love the jar too because somehow it reminds me of "Winnie the Pooh." I love baking as well as lemon cakes. It's still good that there is always someone who can enjoy your lemon cake though you're not a fan of lemons:)
